social impact fellow • data analyst • aspiring UX researcher


self-description and autosummary

curriculum vitae

employment, education, and accolades

work samples

under construction

other projects

side road endeavors

contact & support

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he/him • author of this page

native new yorker, interested in the intersection between tech, accessibility, and social justice causes

spends a bit of his free time exploring the visual arts, music, and getting a few more programming languages under his belt

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curriculum vitae

williams '23

2022 recipient of IES Abroad Correspondent of the Year Award

really good at making eggs

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other projects

An index of experiments.

this page

This website is an attempt at creating a dynamic, yet relatively barebones UI experience with only HTML and CSS. Still in construction. (Mostly) coded from scratch.

Originally started as a neumorphic experiment, now has gone full-blown glassmorphic. An attempt to combine modern aesthetics with Web 1.0 charm. This site is optimized for desktop devices, but can dynamically size for mobile devices and other displays to mixed results. Longer pages can be scrolled using either a touch display or your device's scrolling function. Due to Neocities limitations, CSS animations may not display as smoothly on mobile.

Credits go out to:
Jamison Lottering on Unsplash for the base background photo.
Hype4Academy for their Glassmorphism resources.

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